Қарағанды қаласы әкімдігінің " Қарағанды…
"№3 гимназия" КММ

Қазақ тілін үйренеміз

Қылыш түбі – ұрыс.
С саблей играть – драки не миновать.
Барлық жауаптар: 277
Жаңа сұрақтар: 9
Өнегелі өмір

Hello, my name is Valeria Smotritskaya, I am a student of the 3rd gymnasium, grade 9A. My English teacher Elina Valerievna and my sister Milana Smotritskaya, who studies with me in the same class, as well as classmates Liza and Julia took part in today's event, and in general there were about 30 people from all over the school. The event is dedicated to the former graduate of Milovanova Natalia Viktorovna, who graduated from our school for a gold medal. We and the teachers asked the current teacher of the Eurasian University questions. Natalya Viktorovna not only answered the questions we asked her about learning languages, about her profession and how she studied, but also gave us tips and advice on teaching at school and languages. The event was great. Elina Valerievna told us a lot of important words to us and our head teacher Marzhan Nabievna also wished all the teachers good luck. We really hope that such events will be repeated in our school. #өнегеліөмір