Қарағанды облысы білім басқармасының Қарағанды…
"Қаныш Сәтбаев ат. гимназиясы" КММ

Calling-card of the gymnasium

  Calling-card of the gymnasium.

Complete name: Municipal State Institution "Kanysh Satpaev Gymasium" of the Education Department of the Karaganda city of the Education Department of the Karganda region.

Type of the Educational Institution: Municipal State Institution.

Name of the headteacher: Misyurina Natalya Mikhailovna.

Legal adress, index: Republic of Kazakhstan, 100017, Karaganda region, Karaganda city, Kazyber Bi district, Abdirov Avenue, building №30/7.

Phone number: 8(7212)566649.

E-mail: sch38@kargoo.kz

Operation Mode: from Monday to Saturday 08.00 a.m.-08.00 p.m.

Opening Date of the Educational Institution: The school was opened in 1972. In 1994 it recieved the status of gymnasium.

Project capacity:960 visitors.

Total number of students-1181.

Number of grades-43.

Primary school(1-4 grades)- 18.

Secondary school(5-8 grades)-16.

Pre-profile grades-5.

Profile grades-4.

High school:10 grades-2, 11 grades-2.

Language of instruction: Russian language.

Number of shifts with indication of grades: first shift- 22 grades, 579 students; second shift-21 grades, 602 students.

Number of teachers-83.