Қарағанды облысы білім басқармасының Қарағанды…
"Қаныш Сәтбаев ат. гимназиясы" КММ
Class hours on the development of aesthetic taste were held today
The tasks of aesthetic education are aimed at:
-to form students' aesthetic sensitivity, the ability to see and understand the beautiful in art, nature, and everyday life;
- enrich the existing experience of schoolchildren with aesthetic impressions;
- to educate children's sensory culture, personal attitude to the perceived, to develop aesthetic taste; to teach students to moral and ethical assessments and correct, reasoned judgments;
- enrich the emotional sphere of students, arouse their aesthetic feelings and experiences (pleasure, joy, admiration, etc.), achieving an adequate response to the beauty of nature, works of art or the surrounding environment;
- develop and improve creative abilities (capabilities) and artistic skills;