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"Мартбек Мамыраев атындағы МИ" КММ

Қазақ тілін үйренеміз

Барлық жауаптар: 80
Жаңа сұрақтар: 1
What does science mean to me?

What does science mean to me?

Understanding the place and role of science in human life is a complex process that is not yet complete.  This process is characterized by the emergence of difficulties and contradictions, disputes, dubious issues, many new issues.  Only in the 1920s, a new discipline called "science" appeared, which considers the essence and characteristics of science, the mechanisms of its development and application, as well as the study of the laws of development of science as a system.  education and training.  special social institution.

Of course, science is a great achievement of human culture.  It simplifies human life from generation to generation, makes it independent and becomes the basis of material and spiritual wealth.  By defining science, the structure of knowledge, we have the opportunity to give a full definition of science.  Thus, science is a dynamic system of objective reality, obtained, developed and applied as a direct practical force of society as a result of special public activities.  Today, science is developing rapidly. Thanks to science, discoveries are necessary for human life. And every branch of science is closely linked with the development of knowledge.

 "Has time changed, has man changed?"  I think people have changed. Because today, people are discovering new things and inventing things that we can't even dream of.

 I think that science is very useful in human life. Even without science today it is impossible to imagine human life. As a result of science, the computer in front of us, which is a huge invention, is a gift to man.  Of course, it takes a lot of research, a lot of sweat. We believe that the reason for using these inventions is their convenience. They save time, they can do things that man can not do. Here is the benefit of Science.
