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"№10 ЖББМ" КММ

Қазақ тілін үйренеміз

Барлық жауаптар: 189
Жаңа сұрақтар: 1
Ашық сабақ Хасенова Б.

The date:20.01.16

Class:5 “a”

The theme:Sport in our life

The aims:

1.     Жаңа “Спорт біздің өмірімізде” тақырыбын енгізу. Жаңа сөздермен таныстыру. Оқушыларға to be етістігінің Past Simple-де қолданылуын үйрету

2.     Оқушылардың сөйлеу, тыңдау, оқу және жазу қабілеттерін дамыту.

3.     Спортты cүюге тәрбиелеу.  Бірін-бірі тыңдауға үйрету. Бір-бірін, мұғалімді құрметтеуге үйрету.

Visual aids:poster, Active board, video, papers

Type of the lesson:Work in groups

Procedure of the lesson:

Organizational  moment:

T:Hello children! Nice to see you.
P: Hello teacher.
T: How are you?
P: We are fine. And you?
T:I’m fine, thanks. Who is on duty today?

P:I’m on duty today.

T:What  date is it today?

P:Today is the 20th of January.

T:What  day is it today?

P:Today is Wednesday.

T:Who is absent?

P:  All are present.

T:O’K. Let’s begin of our lesson.

Procedure of the lesson:

The theme of our today’s lesson is “Sport in our life”. At first let’s divided into 4 groups. You see papers with  different colour  and so you choose one paper that you like.  First group is Denis Ten, second group is Ilya Ilin, third group is Serik Sapiyev and fourth group is Gennady Golovkin. Who are they?  Now we are watching  a video about these persons (video)

Warm – up:

T: Look at the blackboard. We see words in Kazakh and in English which we introduced in last lesson. You must match  these words in right form.  Who wants to begin?

Checking home task.

Introduction of a new theme:

T: Now we are introducing with new words. Please, write down these words.

football [futbͻ:l] – футбол

gymnastics [dʒim’næstiks] –гимнастика

running [rʌniŋ] – жүгіру

skiing [ski:iŋ] – шаңғымен сырғанау

basketball [‘ba:skitbͻ:l] – баскетбол

snowboarding [snǝubͻ:diŋ] – сноубордта тебу

swimming [‘swimiŋ] – жүзу

boxing [bͻksiŋ] – бокс

cycling [‘saikliŋ] – велосипед тебу

hockey [‘hͻki] – хоккей

karate [kǝ’ra:ti] – каратэ

judo [‘dʒu:dǝu] – дзюдо

badminton [‘bædmintǝn] – бадминтон

weightlifting [weit’liftiŋ] – ауыр атлетика


I’ll give some papers for you about our sportsmen. You must readand translate. I’ll give 2 minute for reading and discussing.  

Serik Sapiyev

Serik Sapiyev was born on 16 November in 1983 in Karaganda. He is boxer from Kazakhstan who won the world title in 2005 and 2007 and he won Olympic Gold in 2012. His father’s nationality is Kazakh and mother’s nationality is Mari.

Denis Ten

Denis Ten was born on 13 June in 1993 in Almaty. He is Korean. He is skater and he won Olympic Bronze in 2014. He also tried karate, tennis and swimming. Denis Ten is the first skater from Kazakhstan to stand on the podium at the World Championships. 

Ilya Ilin

Ilya Ilin was born on 24 May in 1988 in Kyzylorda. He is a Kazakh weightlifter. He has won two Olympic championships and four world championships. He started training at around 7 years. He and his wife have a daughter.

Gennady Golovkin

Gennady Golovkin was born on 8 April in 1982 in Karaganda. He is a Kazakhstani professional boxer. He is the third best boxer in the world. He speaks four languages: Kazakh, German, Russian and English. Now he lives in Los Angeles with his family. He and his wife Alina have a son, Vadim, who is in primary school.  


Today’s our new grammar is Past Simple. How we use verb to be in the Past Simple(introduce with new grammar)?


Past Simple (Өткен шақ)

 to be/can

Positive (Болымды)






I (мен)was


I wasnot (wasn’t)

We were not (weren’t)


You(сендер, сіздер)were

You were not (weren’t)

You were not (weren’t)

He/she/it (ол)was


He/she/it was not (wasn’t)

Theywere not (weren’t)


could not






I’ll give some papers again. Look at the exercise 7, page 127. Read the dialogue. Complete the gaps with was, wasn’t, were, weren’t, couldn’t. Then every team check each other.


1)    Were you at the school party yesterday?

Yes, I was.

2)    Were there many students?

Yes, there were

3)    Was it interesting?

Yes, it was.

4)    Was Ainur there?

No, she wasn’t. She was at her mother’s birthday.

5)    Where were you? Why weren’t you there?

I couldn’t go because I was at the football match.



Let’s do ex.9, page 127. You must complete with was/wasn’t or were/weren’t to make true sentences. Then 1 pupil of every team read these sentences.

1.     Gagarin was the first man in the space

2.     Roza Rymbaeva wasn’t born in Almaty.

3.     The Beatles were from Liverpool.

4.     The Olympic Games weren’t in Barcelona in 2012.

5.     Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan in 1980.

6.     Kasteev wasn’t an actor

7.     Chinghiz Aitmatov wasn’t a writer from Kazakhstan.


Physical exercise:

Five little gentlemen
Going for a walk.
Five little gentlemen
Stop for a talk.
Along came five ladies
They stood  all together
And they began to dance.


I’ll give posters to every team. You must write what kind of sports include indoor games, outdoor games and both to use words  which we introduce today. Let’s begin.


I give to children their home work – ex.12. And their today’s marks with comments.  









