Коммунальное государственное учреждение "Гимназия №1"…
КГУ "Гимназия №1"

Изучаем казахский язык

Алдымен, әуелі
сначала, сперва.
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«Promotion of national language»

The role of language in society is really important, because people speak, transmit and receive information in any language-this is a mean of communication. It is no coincidence that on February 21, since 2000, the whole world celebrates the international mother language day (UNESCO November 17, 1999). Since 1998, September 22 was declared the day of languages of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by Decree of the First President. Especially in recent years, our country has begun to pay great attention to the development of the native language. This is not accidental, since Kazakhstan was part of Russia during the Soviet period, where the entire territory was mainly dominated by the Russian language. There are statistics that "Before the independence of Kazakhstan, 25% of Kazakh people do not know their native language". And this is an occasion to think about the need to develop and promote the Kazakh language.

After Kazakhstan gained sovereignty, it became necessary to develop our national language, the language spoken by Abay Kunanbayev, Myrzakyp Dulatov, Saken Seifullin, Akhmet Baitursynov and others. Folk songs were performed in this language: Kurmangazy, Dauletkerei, Tattimbet, Dina, Kazangap. Studying and promoting the Kazakh language, we will deeply analyze the problems of public relations in a particular area (youth, national, economic, and so on), since each state should have its own native language. It is no accident that they say that there is no future without the past. We can learn our national culture only when we master the Kazakh language.

The relevance of our article lies primarily in the fact that everyone should understand the importance of studying language policy, because it is a means of exercising power in the state. By studying the Kazakh language and promoting it, we can make a comprehensive analysis of the language reform, that is, how the language changed in Kazakhstan. It is no coincidence that the state documents, in particular the Constitution, contain an article "Language policy" (a person is obliged to learn their native language. So if we live in Kazakhstan, we are talking about the Kazakh language).

It is no coincidence that researchers of the Kazakh language subsidize that the Union of writers of Kazakhstan was established in 1937. In 1940, the Kazakh language was translated into Cyrillic. And by 2025, the language is planned to be translated into Latin.

Professor R. M. Zhumashev deals with this problem in Kazakhstan, where he also speaks about the importance of learning and changing the language. In our country, activities aimed at the development and promotion of language policy have been carried out and this policy is implemented in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "on languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (dated July 11, 1997).

The purpose of this article is to ensure the full-scale functioning of the state language, revival, strengthening of spirituality, since Kazakh was spoken by Kazakh scientists, sages, and so on.

If we analyze the language policy on the territory of Kazakhstan, we can see that the Kazakh language was not developed and promoted systematically. In 1920-1930, the status of the Kazakh language was raised. In the 1940s and 1950s, the promotion of the Kazakh language was reduced to a minimum (it was not studied). Kazakh schools were closed after the 1950s, where teaching was conducted in the Kazakh language. All these events indicate that there was no systematic policy in the development of the Kazakh language. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a language that has literature, songs, and customs. Accordingly, by studying the Kazakh language, we can fully and fundamentally study the culture, customs and traditions of the Kazakh people.

              КГУ «Гимназия №1» г.Караганды, ученица 9 «В» класса Шилина Даниэлла
